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Politica sui cookie

Cookie policy Fondazione Lama Gangchen Help in Action Onlus (February 2019)

The association during the navigation on the site:

  • uses only technical cookies to facilitate navigation on the site and does not use analytical cookies for statistical purposes;
  • does not use profiling cookies, i.e. those cookies that are used to track the user’s browsing, analyse their behaviour for marketing purposes and create profiles on his tastes, habits, choices, etc. in order to transmit targeted advertising messages;
  • However, the installation of cookies operated by third parties through the services used on the site (for example, donation via Paypal, access to our Facebook page, watching videos from Youtube) can not be technically controlled by the Owner.

You are therefore invited to consult the relative privacy policy:



Youtube: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

In addition to what is indicated in this document, the user can manage preferences related to cookies directly within their browser and prevent, for example, that third parties can install. To this end, it is necessary to consult the relative guide of your browser to find out how to manage cookies.

Ogni donazione è un pasto per una persona disperata e affamata


è la distribuzione di pasti preparati al momento a persone disperate e senza tetto e ai loro bambini. Vi chiediamo quindi di aiutarci a proseguire il nostro lavoro a Kathmandu.


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